Plan your social media

It's really important to plan your social media. Decide what you want to achieve from one or more of these goals:⁣

⭐️ Brand Awareness⁣
It’s likely that you'll want to grow your audience by getting your name and brand 'out there'. Post content that's likely to be reshared, and use all-important hashtags, to get your brand in front of a relevant audience.⁣

⭐️ Engagement⁣
The more engagement (interaction, comments, likes, shares) your content has, the more people will see it. You want to try and build an engaged community of loyal supporters and fans.⁣

⭐️ Email Signups⁣
If your social media audience isn't on your email marketing list (or you don't do email marketing), you're missing a trick. Social media can help you to build quality leads. If someone is following you and interacting with you on social media, they're really interested in your brand. Use social media to offer content or offers only available through email signup to entice people.⁣

⭐️ Drive Website Traffic⁣
Getting people to visit your website from social media is how you're going to get them to buy from you. Make sure you include your website details on your social media bios. Include 'calls to action' on your content; if you want people to visit your website, tell them! Consider posting blogs and new, quality content on your website that you can signpost people to.⁣

Once you've decided what you want your social media to achieve, set targets and measure and refine your strategy based on what is and isn't working. ⁣

Get in touch with us if you'd like to know more.


Pie charts and social media


Be social